Family Activities

Our family activities are fun for the whole family! They are designed to promote connection and bonding between parents and children. These sessions may include creative expression, equine experiences and nature engagement as well as just spending time on the farm or at the pool.

  • Mondays 10am - 4pm

    10am - Activities
    12pm - Lunch
    1pm - Pool & Teen Time

    Come and enjoy a day at the farm! Parents can choose to stay with their children during the activities or have some downtime in the farmhouse while their kids are in groups with our volunteers. Each day kids will have an opportunity to participate in a craft activity if they choose. The pool will be available in the afternoon along with specific activities for teens!

  • Wednesdays 10am-1pm & 1-4pm

    Come and enjoy some relaxing pool time at the farm. Parents are required to stay with their children during pool time.